Figure out how IPv6 is important nowadays, I got to try and deploy on my server and serve the IPv6 to the world to access. Searching around I've got several option for IPv6 Tunnel Broker. We got Hurricane Electric (HE) , Freenet6 (gogo6) and several others provider but the two provider are the most popular right now. The question ; - Why we deploy an IPv6 ? WHY WE DEPLOY AN IPV6 ? - For me there's no specific answer on this question because it depends on your situation and your needs with IPv6. While we can live with IPv4 , we have to take note that IPv4 allocated address is depreciated and based on HE statistics IPv4 is depreciated on 2012 we don't have any reserved address anymore. If you still want to use IPv4, to allocate the address, you may have to pay more since the address is not much. - IPv6 is the future of the internet address and we have to prepare on that situation which I think it is important. Let say the world will transform from IPv4 to IPv6, and on...
Don't look your past, but look your future