FAMPP adalah idea daripada (FreeBSD,Apache,MySQL,PHP,PhpMyAdmin) , Tutorial ini akan membangunkan basic web server bersama-sama FreeBSD 7.2
FreeBSD 7.2 : Install Apache2.2
Ada dua cara untuk install aplikasi di FreeBSD
- ports
- pre-compiled pakej
kali ini kita akan gunakan cara yang mudah iaitu menggunakan pre-compiled pakej
#pkg_add -r apache22
edit /etc/rc.conf to start apache at boot
Reboot and try to start.
#apachectl -k start
if got error something like this :
Syntax error on line 151 of /usr/local/etc/apache22/ht
DocumentRoot must be a directory
Edit your httpd.conf and make sure your folder "data" is created in /usr/local/www/apache22/
Try to start again,
#apachectl -k start
if got warning something like this :
[Mon Jan 01 08:31:17 2007] [warn] (2)No such file or directory: Failed to enable the 'httpready' Accept Filter
It is because some module are not loaded for filtering the packet
Load it as temporarily :
#kldload accf_http
or you want to load it at boot up edit the loader.conf
#ee /boot/loader.conf
add this line
reboot :)
then try start apache service. it should be start normally without error :)
Some note for apachectl command :
# apachectl start
# apachectl restart
# apachectl graceful
# apachectl stop
# apachectl configtest
Configuration file :
FreeBSD 7.2 : Install Apache2.2
Ada dua cara untuk install aplikasi di FreeBSD
- ports
- pre-compiled pakej
kali ini kita akan gunakan cara yang mudah iaitu menggunakan pre-compiled pakej
#pkg_add -r apache22
edit /etc/rc.conf to start apache at boot
Reboot and try to start.
#apachectl -k start
if got error something like this :
Syntax error on line 151 of /usr/local/etc/apache22/ht
DocumentRoot must be a directory
Edit your httpd.conf and make sure your folder "data" is created in /usr/local/www/apache22/
Try to start again,
#apachectl -k start
if got warning something like this :
[Mon Jan 01 08:31:17 2007] [warn] (2)No such file or directory: Failed to enable the 'httpready' Accept Filter
It is because some module are not loaded for filtering the packet
Load it as temporarily :
#kldload accf_http
or you want to load it at boot up edit the loader.conf
#ee /boot/loader.conf
add this line
reboot :)
then try start apache service. it should be start normally without error :)
Some note for apachectl command :
# apachectl start
# apachectl restart
# apachectl graceful
# apachectl stop
# apachectl configtest
Configuration file :